- production association
- производственное объединение
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
Canadian Film and Television Production Association — Die Canadian Film and Television Production Association – Association canadienne de production de film et télévision wurde 1948 als Interessenvertretung für die unabhängigen Produzenten von audiovisuellen Inhalten in Kanada gegründet. Sie vertrat … Deutsch Wikipedia
Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association — named after V.P. Chkalov (NAPO) is one of the largest aircraft production companies in Russia. The company produces Su 34 fighter bombers and An 38 120 regional passenger aircraft. It is also involved in the Sukhoi Superjet 100 program, where it… … Wikipedia
Voronezh Aircraft Production Association — OJSC Voronezh aircraft production association or Voronezh Aircraft Plant ( Voronezhskoye Aktsionernoye Samoletostroitelnoe Obshestvo abbreviated as VASO, ru. ОАО «Воронежское акционерное самолётостроительное общество», RTS|VASOP) is one of the… … Wikipedia
Music Video Production Association — The Music Video Production Association is a music industry trade organization, based in Los Angeles, that is made up of producers, directors, and other professionals involved in the creation of music videos. Since 1992, the association has held… … Wikipedia
Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association — The Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association (NOGEPA) was established in 1974 to promote the common interests of all companies holding licences to explore for, develop and produce hydrocarbons on and offshore in The… … Wikipedia
Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand — The Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ) is an incorporated society based in Wellington. Its core focus is to promote the interests of petroleum producers and explorers in New Zealand which includes everything… … Wikipedia
Canadian Independent Record Production Association — The Canadian Independent Record Production Association (CIRPA) represents the independent sector of the Canadian music and sound industry.[1] It lists the following member record labels: 306 Records 604 Records A L infini Communications A B A C A … Wikipedia
Production Corporation Polyot — Production Association Polyot (usually called Полёт by the aviation workers and pilots]] or ПО «Полёт» inside the company, while the official Russian name is: Производственное объединение «Полёт») (Polyot)[1] is a Russian aerospace engineering… … Wikipedia
Association de construction aéronautique de Tachkent — 41°17′55″N 69°19′22″E / 41.29861, 69.32278 … Wikipédia en Français
Association Des Réalisateurs Et Réalisatrices De Films Francophones (A.R.R.F) — Association des réalisateurs et réalisatrices de films francophones L’Association des réalisateurs et réalisatrices de films francophones (ARRF) est la seule association professionnelle représentant spécifiquement les réalisateurs et… … Wikipédia en Français
Association des Realisateurs et Realisatrices de Films francophones (A.R.R.F) — Association des réalisateurs et réalisatrices de films francophones L’Association des réalisateurs et réalisatrices de films francophones (ARRF) est la seule association professionnelle représentant spécifiquement les réalisateurs et… … Wikipédia en Français